Intorduction to Computer System

The word computer comes from the word (COMPUTE) which means to calculate."So a computer is considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical  operations at very fast speed."
"It is an electrionic device that accepts data,stores it,processes it arithmetically and logicaly and gives results"
1. Office Work
   we can use it in offices for making projects,presentations and record maintenence
2. Storage
   We can store data in a computer and retrieve it at any time
3. Communication
   We can send and receive messages any where in the world using computers.Like EMAIL.
4.Educational purposes
   We can use it for academic and vocational training,its is used for research work,online education,online      
    exams and results.
5. Medical science
   We can use it for patient monitoring,diagnosis of diseases and also used for computer and aided surgery
6. Recreational purposes
   We can play games on computer.
7. Entertainment purposes
   We can watch movies and can play music on the internet
8. Defence purposes
  Computer can make good defence of a country.It can be used for security purpose.
9. Advancement of science and technology
  Computer play and important role in the advancement of science and technology.It is used in all branches of     science and technology.It is also used in all branches of science to collect and analyze data
10. E-commerce
  We can buy and sell things thorugh computers using internet anywhere in the world.It is also known as online trading.
11. Advertisement
 We can advertise any product through internet using GOOGLE ADVERTISMENT PROGRAM.
12. Architecture
 We can use computer to design buildings or plotting of maps
13. Designing
 We can use computers for designing (Art work and graphics)
14. Weather Forecasting
 IT is used for Weather forecasting.We can predict temperature and humidity in the air.
15. Atomic research
 It is used in atomic research.Energy comapies use computer to search oil,coal,natural gas and uranium.
16. Robot
 Robots are computers that work on software.
17. Banks
 It is used in all kinds of banks.ATM is also computer based.
18. E-Banking
 Electronic banking is also known as cyber banking.We can transfer money through internet.In all over the     world about 95% banks are online
19. Download
 We can download software data and webpages from internet
20. News
  We can get latest news from internet.We can see online newspapers.
21. Travelling
   Computer is also playing very important role in traveling by car or air plane to arrive easily and safely at your destination.
22. Mathematical calculations
   We can perform the large mathematical calculations in very short time.
23. Publishing
    Computer is used to publish the books,magazines and newspapers etc.

   Computer is a first device.It can perform a task in milliseconds,nanoseconds and picoseconds.
   The accuracy of computer is very high.
   A computer can store data and recall any amount of information due to its secondary storage capacity
   IT IS very efficient device
  Computer can repeat any operation with a single instruction.Once instructions are fed in the computer then it can work automatically without the intervention of human beings example ATM machines.
   Computer has very low failure rate so we can say that computer is a reliable machine.
   Computer is a multitasking and high speed device so it saves time.